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Please note, as this is the second book in a series, some
mild spoilers for the first book are contained within this review.Proceed with caution.
After the devastating events of The Haunted, Hendricks and her friends are trying to return to life as normal. Not an easy task with Eddie gone and Raven still in a coma.
Hendricks, Portia and Connor, received intense group therapy after that tragic night and in some ways, it did help. However, Hendricks is still having a really hard time l
**3.5-stars**Please note, as this is the second book in a series, some
mild spoilers for the first book are contained within this review.Proceed with caution.
After the devastating events of The Haunted, Hendricks and her friends are trying to return to life as normal. Not an easy task with Eddie gone and Raven still in a coma.
Hendricks, Portia and Connor, received intense group therapy after that tragic night and in some ways, it did help. However, Hendricks is still having a really hard time letting go of Eddie.
In fact, she believes his spirit remains in Drearfield and with the right method, perhaps she'll be able to reach him.
She looks to Ileana for help. With Ileana's guidance, they gather a circle of seven and perform a seance with the hopes of summoning forth Eddie's spirit. The seance is of course performed on the grounds of Steele House.
Unsurprisingly, it doesn't go as planned.
Soon thereafter, Hendricks begins to experience hauntings quite similar to before. However, they are no longer restricted to just being within her home. Now evil entities seem to be everywhere; no place is safe.
The high school itself seems to be a hotbed of activity, with ghost girls in the hall and phantom music being played.
With prom on the horizon, Hendricks has been spending extra time there, as she agreed to the join the planning committee with Portia.
When Portia becomes the victim of a supernatural attack, Hendricks knows they didn't bring Eddie back. They brought back something else, and it's angry.
They need to redo the ritual and hopefully send this malevolent spirit back from whence it came.
This was a strong continuation from the first book.
Personally, I was devastated by the ending of the first book and honestly, that pissy mood sort of carried over into this one. I missed my favorite character too much.
With that aside, I did enjoy this. The first half especially. I loved how the characters involved in the seance were willing to help Hendricks out, even though some of them thought she was bat shit crazy.
I also really enjoyed the horror imagery. Vega definitely excels at that.
It did start to lose my towards the end. There was a great scene, that as far as I am concerned, could have been the final scene, but it continued on.
After that point, I was sort of out of it. It went way over the top after that and took away a bit of the seriousness of the earlier parts of the story.
Overall, this is a solid Teen Scream duology and I am very happy that I read it.
I would definitely consider picking up future releases from this author!
Danielle Vega has done it again; she has made a thrilling book from start to the finish. Full of twists and chilling moments. I love how this takes place with the same characters from the first book, and we basically start right where it ended in The Haunted.
I didn't find this one as scary as The Haunted, but while this one lacks a bit of gore and horror, Vega makes up for it with a spectacular plotline! The Unleashed still take
Thank you Penguin Teen for an eARC in exchange for an honest review.Danielle Vega has done it again; she has made a thrilling book from start to the finish. Full of twists and chilling moments. I love how this takes place with the same characters from the first book, and we basically start right where it ended in The Haunted.
I didn't find this one as scary as The Haunted, but while this one lacks a bit of gore and horror, Vega makes up for it with a spectacular plotline! The Unleashed still takes place with the Steele house and we get to know a lot more of its history. I think that in this book we get to see more character development, especially with Hendricks and her friends. I have to admit I had some "goosebumps all over my body moments" in her first book, but didn't have that in this book. What I can say is that the ending was phenomenal. I was blown away and the epilogue made my jaw completely drop. I have thoroughly enjoyed all of Danielle Vega's books and I am so glad that this one lived up to my high expectations.
*Actual rating is 3.5 but rounded up.*
Would you hold a séance to communicate with a dead loved one? Even though it could bring evil up from the ground? Danielle Vega brings fear to life as it gets overrun by evil spirits of the undea
"A cold finger touched the back of her neck and traced down her spine. Hendricks yelped and spun around, one hand grasping for her neck. Who's there? she shouted.... And then in her ear, the same raspy voice she'd heard in her room last night: He'll be back for you."*Actual rating is 3.5 but rounded up.*
Would you hold a séance to communicate with a dead loved one? Even though it could bring evil up from the ground? Danielle Vega brings fear to life as it gets overrun by evil spirits of the undead.
Hendricks and her little gang of weirdos are back for round two. They just want everything to return to normal and move on but the darker side of life has other things in store for them.
Hendricks just can't let go of Eddie. She believes that his spirit is still out there and wants to communicate with her. Instead of letting the past go, she gathers six friends to hold a séance to talk with Eddie one last time. But those things never go as planned. What she thought was going to happen, didn't and she brought forth a spirit that is out to get revenge.
Violent attacks start to happen to not only her but her friends as well. Steele House was just the beginning of all of her haunted issues but now things get more dangerous.
Will Hendricks and her friends stop this evil entity before it destroys them?
This book was good but not as good as the first one. The Haunted made my skin crawl and made me feel uneasy inside of my own house. I just didn't feel that with this one. The spirits were darker and more violent in this one but that's not what I really wanted from a haunting book. I want that creep factor where I have to sleep with the lights on.
And is it just me, or was Hendricks even more annoying with her puppy love attitude?
The Unleashed was a good book and it left it way open for a third book. The ending had me wide-eyed with my jaw on the floor. Now I really need the third book because I have answers! If you're looking for a good spooky read for the season, this would be a great start. Just prepare yourself mentally before you hop on in because the water is cold.

I'm so sorry to say, it was TERRIBLE.
First off, the characters were awful. Hendricks walks around in a perpetual state of gray, which really started to bum me out around page 50. Much like EVERYONE ELSE IN THE BOOK, I hated Eddie.
Trust me, no one is more upset about this than I am. I love Danielle Vega, I've read all of her books and this one was no exception. When I found out there was going to be a sequel to The Haunted, I was hesitant at first, but curious enough to keep my eye out for it.I'm so sorry to say, it was TERRIBLE.
First off, the characters were awful. Hendricks walks around in a perpetual state of gray, which really started to bum me out around page 50. Much like EVERYONE ELSE IN THE BOOK, I hated Eddie. Sure, they were dating, and it was kind of her fault he died, but get over it. Messing with dark magic just so you can speak to him again is really dumb, and NOT a driver of the plot. STUPID DECISIONS DO NOT MAKE FOR GOOD PLOTS. Secondly, it doesn't impact me one way or another that Portia and Vi are dating, it doesn't draw away from the story, nor does it really add anything, other than another pity party woe is me from Hendricks because she's oh so alone without Eddie. BUT Vi was super annoying, "I don't agree with genders," ok cool, now get off your high-horse and join the other girls on the left side of the circle, or don't if you're non-conforming, I don't really care, but I don't know why this "debate" had to take up a whole page. Third, Portia was so hot-and-cold I couldn't keep up with her, one moment she's bouncing around because she has a new girlfriend, next page she's pouting and staring into her phone, then she's bubbling about prom, next she's passive-aggressive towards Hendricks, and UGH I'm so done with it.
Also, I suppose the séance was meant to be creepy because "the air didn't feel right," or something, but having a credible source, Ileana, there, I expected this séance to be executed correctly, but instead it felt like all of them were drunk teenagers hanging around an abandoned house, pretending to have a séance. Totally inaccurate. Positively lame.
So how were the ghosts, ghouls and creepy things in this story? Well, I have no clue. This book was pretty much 70% high school drama, 20% prom and 10% spooky (light blubs burning out, séances, and other lame things). Woohoo...
Overall, I am extremely disappointed with this one. I was expecting peak Danielle Vega, 100% good old spine-tingling horror, and instead of CREEPY I got SLEEPY.

Trigger warning: This book contains mentions and insinuations of rape.
Hendricks Becker-O'Malley is still reeling from the unfortunate events that happened 3 months ago at Steele House. Her friend Raven is in a coma and Eddie sacrificed himself for her. How is a girl supposed to go on and resume life as normal when that's happened? Portia is talking to her again and Connor is willing to be just her friend, but she can't get over Eddie's death. So she does what an
"Steele House was being rebuilt."Trigger warning: This book contains mentions and insinuations of rape.
Hendricks Becker-O'Malley is still reeling from the unfortunate events that happened 3 months ago at Steele House. Her friend Raven is in a coma and Eddie sacrificed himself for her. How is a girl supposed to go on and resume life as normal when that's happened? Portia is talking to her again and Connor is willing to be just her friend, but she can't get over Eddie's death. So she does what any girl would do. She conducts a seance with the help of Connor, Portia, Ilana, and 3 of her classmates. But what they bring back isn't Eddie. Eddie wouldn't attack Portia, and he certainly wouldn't contact Portia instead of Hendricks. Now, Hendricks has to figure out how to prove it wasn't Eddie, figure out who--or what-- this creature is, and send it back to the other side.
I have to be honest, I'm not a huge sequel fan usually. But this book made me reevaluate that. I love that it didn't immediately pick off where the first book ended. While this doesn't have as many gruesome scenes as the first book did, this book was filled with scares and creepiness. Recently, I've found it hard to read YA because I occasionally find it hard to identify with the characters, but I really like Hendricks and Portia. I also love that there's LGBTQIA+ representation without making it be the main focus of those characters (just like in real life)! Danielle Vega is an amazing author and this book did not disappoint.

***Spoilers below***
Okay, so first off, the writing is subpar and the dialogue is even w
Let me preface this by saying I've read her other books. The other books aren't shit. I actually really enjoyed her other books. This one is shit. Where the fuck was her editor? Was she on drugs when she wrote this? Did she hit her head? Is she okay? Someone go check on Vega, because this book was literal trash. It was a damn dumpster fire. I've written better stories in a couple of words with vegetable soup!***Spoilers below***
Okay, so first off, the writing is subpar and the dialogue is even worse. It's super annoying in real life when people say, "like." Why the actual fuck do you need to put it in dialogue too? Was the goal to annoy the reader. If so, job well done. I can see this being a quirk of one character, but a few characters actually do this - including a grown man - and it bugs the shit out of me.
Next, Hendricks the main character, comes off as an insensitive bitch in the first half of the book. I would have written down an example (or three) but at that point, I was hoping the book would get better so I wouldn't have to rant about it. I was.... misguided. The book, in fact, got much worse. However, I will say that Hendricks is also stupid. I do have an example of this. There are so many examples, how could I not have one. For instance, Hendricks does the logical thing and has Connor walk her home because scary shit tends to happen to her when she is alone. I'm thinking to myself, "Okay, homegirl made a good decision for once." But then when she gets to her house, and Connor leaves, she turns the other direction and walks to a fucking graveyard instead of going into her house. Didn't you just say that.... But why would you.... FOR THE LOVE OF BOOKS, WHY?!?!?! Why do authors continuously write stupid characters?! Characters are supposed to be relatable so we like them and root for them. Does Danielle Vega think her audience is this dumb? Dear author, this isn't a cliche horror movie, do something different and inspiring or get a different job! Anywho, when Hendricks gets to this graveyard, you guessed it, some scary shit goes down and she gets hurt. *facepalm*
This next bit leaves me with so many questions. I'm so butthurt over this. So, you mean to tell me that ghosts are now corporeal for no other reason than just because? Why did this happen? How did this happen? Is it a demon or a ghost? Why can it feel pain if it's a ghost? How can you reach out and physically touch or hit this thing if it's a ghost? At this point it's not a ghost. Then what the fuck is it? When Justin was doing his ritual did he summon a demon? Did that demon get unleashed unto the world and decided to take on his form? If so, why and how? I'm so effing confused. The worldbuilding leaves EVERYTHING to be desired. If you're gonna write something like this and you're not intending it to have a bad B-rated horror movie vibe, don't just shrug your shoulders and turn the other cheek when it comes to worldbuilding. Also, we know why Justin wanted Sam's mediumship abilities because it was only explained with one friggin' sentence. This is where character development takes a nosedive as well. Justin wanted to talk to his deceased father, but we never get to see what kind of a relationship he even had with his father. What was his family dynamic like in the first place for him to turn into such an asshole? This is just plain bad. Any book that has an antagonist that's just evil for the sake of being evil without any backstory is pure trash.
Back to our regularly scheduled programming: ranting. In the last book, ghosts caused a massive housefire and skeletons came up from the ground and started attacking people. These same people that got attacked think it's a great idea to go back to that place and hold a seance. Why is no one talking about the supernatural phenomenon that happened at Steele house? I mean did everyone repress those memories? Why is everyone all of a sudden in such disbelief that ghosts exist when they've experienced the paranormal first hand? (Then again, I can't remember who was all at that party and who saw what.)
Something else that I found to be particularly annoying is all of the really OUT THERE writing choices Vega made. Some things were straight up ridiculous and some things she wrote about but never gave closure too. For example, Justin chloroforms Sam, throws her over his shoulder and proceeds to walk from the school to Steele house. You mean to tell me that no one saw an unconscious chick slung over a dude's shoulder, with a gag in her mouth? COME ON! Another eye-roll moment I had was when the teens sneak into Raven's house and steal her unconscious body by distracting her mom because they need a conduit to aid in closing the seal. Raven just happens to be on a portable oxygen machine. How convenient. Additionally, when the seance is underway, the ghost throws Vi across the foundation and she doesn't get back up. Hendricks also gets thrown and it is mentioned that she thinks her wrist is potentially broken. These two things are never addressed once the seance is over and the seal is closed. Everyone is magically okay? What happened to Vi? Why wasn't she moving? Hendrick's wrist was magically repaired? How was she able to climb out from under the foundation with a broken wrist?
Since we are on the topic of annoying things. If a writer is going to write about spells and wicca, the least she could do is do some research into it so she can have the characters construct a proper ritual/spell/seance. Oh! I just happened to think, whatever happened to Ileana after she got done barfing up black goo and blood? Doesn't this happen when a spirit is cohabitating in a body that isn't theirs and the spirit is being dispelled from said body? This is the shit I'm really frustrated with. There is no cohesiveness, there was a lack of research done, things that needed closure didn't get closure. I have questions! Is Ileana even okay?
Grammar mistakes and spelling mistakes abound! I hate this. I really do because this type of thing can be easily avoided. I didn't keep track of all of them, and there are a lot of them, but one such instance is on one page in particular when Justin is about to carve a pentagram into Sam, Vega spells his name "Just" instead of "Justin." This is irritating and takes the reader out of the story. Another example was when someone was supposed to have a "frown" on their face but it said "from" instead.
Lastly, but certainly not least. Diversity. I love books with diversity. I have many diverse friends. The world itself is diverse and I love inclusion. With that being said, I also hate when books force diversity just for the sake of being inclusive. This book was one such example. If something has to be explicitly stated (gender identity) it feels forced to me. I'm obviously referring to the scene where Ileana wants girls on one side and boys on the other for the seance. Ileana calls Vi out in front of everyone (which is a shitty thing to do in of itself if Vi isn't ready to come out as non-binary.) You couldn't show that by describing what the character wears or how they act? This is basic writing 101. Don't tell the reader what they need to know, show the reader. This goes back to what I was saying about Vega dumbing things down for her audience... which I actually feel insulted by. I can read between the lines and pick up on subtle nuances. Vega, give your readers some credit.
At the end of the day, people will probably comment and say, "Calm down. It's just YA." Aaaannnnnd NO I WILL NOT! I wasted my time on this, and it's made worse by the fact Vega is not a terrible writer. Was she asleep at the wheel this time? Her editor was, that's for sure. In closing, don't waste your time. It will leave you with more questions than answers and a bad taste in your mouth for having spent the money. If you must torture yourself with how awful this is, rent it from your local library instead. No harm done, just time you won't be able to get back.
Hendricks and her friends are trying to deal with the aftermath of the last book.. Eddie died, and Raven is left in a Coma.
Hendricks has been trying to contact Eddie with no luck.. When she decides to try a seance to contact Eddie, something Evil comes forward instead.. When this thing starts attacking Portia and she thinks it Eddie, it really puts a strain on Hendricks and Portias friendship..
Now the only way to stop this Evil spirit is to close the portal that I totally loved this sequel!!
Hendricks and her friends are trying to deal with the aftermath of the last book.. Eddie died, and Raven is left in a Coma.
Hendricks has been trying to contact Eddie with no luck.. When she decides to try a seance to contact Eddie, something Evil comes forward instead.. When this thing starts attacking Portia and she thinks it Eddie, it really puts a strain on Hendricks and Portias friendship..
Now the only way to stop this Evil spirit is to close the portal thats located underneath whats left of steel house.. Hendricks will need her friends to help her, but will it be too late?
The way this ended way great! I really hope we will get more in this series!! Before I read Haunted the first book in this series I hadn't read anything buy this author. Now I definitely want to check out her back list 😁 ...more

Full Review:
Full Review:

If you're a fan of YA fantasy novels, you'll probably like this one—even if you're not usually a huge fan of sci-fi. It reads a lot like a young adult fantasy. It may not be a lost princess story, but it's a lost princess story. In this case, Andra is a goddess, but at its heart of hearts, it's classic lost princess: she doesn't know who she is, she comes to find out as the story goes on, she doesn't know her own power, and it's up to her to save the people. And of course, we've got a somewhat arrogant male companion in one of everyone's favorite tropes—hate to love. Or at the very least, reluctant cooperation to love. Zhade actually reminds me of a more futuristic, more royal Jace Wayland/Herondale/Morgenstern from TMI (which means, of course, I liked him). Once Andra and Zhade make it to Eerensed, Zhade's city inside a biodome, it also reads like a YA fantasy in a lot of ways as they spend their time in the palace with the current prince (who is called a "guv" in this rendition of our classic tale) and servants, and make their way through hidden tunnels under the city. It's like a princess-y fantasy with touches of sci-fi as they incorporate futuristic technology and talk about space travel and AI. Toward the end of the book, it gets more heavily into the sci-fi and feels more like straight sci-fi, but throughout the novel, it's definitely a sci-fi/fantasy blend.
Andra as a main character is very likable. She's relatable and feels super real, especially because she talks about her body and her own insecurities about it when she's woken up naked and drowning in her cryo tank by a boy she doesn't know and yet has seen every inch of her very exposed. It's nice to see a YA heroine who isn't described as flawlessly beautiful (though of course she doesn't know it) and stick skinny and perfect, but is instead a real person like you or I with a real young woman's body.
Although the blurb makes it sound like it's entirely Andra's story, we actually get a lot from her companion, Zhade, as it alternates POVs to show us his thoughts and what he's going through as someone who has been awake, and as the person who woke the Goddess in the first place. He knows Andra is in danger if she admits what she knows—that she's not a goddess but a teenage girl—and needs to protect her not just for her own good, but for his intentions and goals, as well. And Zhade's chapters are…well, interesting. Which leads me to my next point…
The language of the novel. Johnson actually developed her own new and unique language for this book, which is a vision of what the English language might look like thousands of years down the road as it has developed and changed over time, as words get shortened or even entirely repurposed.
I want to be clear, I think a lot of people are going to go crazy for this aspect of the book and will absolutely love it. For some, it will probably be their favorite thing about it. And also to be clear, I 100% respect the sheer amount of work and ambition that went into inventing this futuristic language for the author. I can definitely see why she did it—it's natural to assume that as time goes on, language will continue to develop and alter, just like it did over the past centuries up until now. But I didn't like it.
I really found the newly invented language more distracting than helpful. It's easy enough to get used to and after a little bit of it, you slip right into it, and despite the fact that it's a very, very clunky language, you can easily discern (for the most part) how the words are being used and what the characters are talking about. But I found it distracting because my brain would get too busy dissecting the language to pay attention to what was actually going on. I'd find myself wondering why the language would have developed in exactly that way, or why they would use the word in that way, pondering the etymology behind it. I'd wonder why some words were shortened (like "certz" for "certain") but others somehow became longer and more awkward (like "boyo" for "boy"), and then I'd have to reread the section because I got so wrapped up in that, that I missed what was happening. Some of it sounded like the characters were speaking out loud in lazy teen Internet slang (or at least someone's interpretation of lazy teen Internet slang), which resulted in making the characters sound a little silly. I'd also find myself wondering why some areas of text were more heavily developed into the language, and others remained the same. Zhade's chapters are entirely in the new language (not just his dialogue), but some sentences still slipped back into modern syntax, and then I'd wonder why that particular choice was made. Again, I definitely think other people are going to love this aspect of the novel and I respect the work that went into it—but it was not my cup of tea.
What was my cup of tea was the fact that this novel is full of twists and turns that you will probably not see coming. Especially in the third act of the novel, things really pick up and there are so many twists and new discoveries and surprising moments, and I could not put it down because I had to know what would happen next!
Overall, I'd give this one four out of five stars. The language took away from it for me, and it's a bit of a slow starter, but overall, it's interesting, it's got a good plot, its main character is sassy and relatable, it has a cute love story, and I loved the more sci-fi, futuristic technology aspects of it that hearken back to old favorites like Alien or Star Wars. Despite its minor drawbacks, it's definitely set up to have a sequel, and yeah, I'll definitely be reading that one, too.
This book is perfect (and I mean perfect) for fans of The 100 and The Final Six (me) for its sci-fi aspects and efforts to save humanity through technology and space travel, and also for fans of Cinder and The Lunar Chronicles series. In fact, it reminded me of Cinder in a lot of ways! (And has an equally beautiful purple-themed cover.) Definitely check it out if you're into any of those books, or if you're just looking for a fun read, or if you are looking for a good entry point into YA sci-fi—this would be an excellent place to start.

I got the metaphors from the isolated girl who just went through a departure from her first real love, here made through Eddie's passing and how Hendricks dealt with it. I got the metaphors of the girl trying to regain her trust in her own capabilities on her own after going through a mental breakdown over an abusive ex, here made via Hendricks dealing with the demonic ghost of Justin and her status with the occult. They were beautiful and captivating, however, I wish we got Hendricks to realize more of her own powers and value, not as someone worthy of a sweet boy but as her own person.
Even though I still didn't like Portia and Vi, they are too snobbish for my taste. I, as a reader, was able to see their flaws and recognize their good deeds, sort of. I saw how Hendricks was part of their crew not only as a sobby replacement for lovely Raven but as a regular friend. Also, I wish we got to see more of the sweet lover boy pining after Hendricks (I cannot recall his name), because until now we only saw a moaning lover boy who reacts badly at being rejected, and I want to see more than just that awful side that had me saying "just stay as acquaintances" during most parts of the book where they both interacted.
I don't know how this could go on having the whole town with a closed portal, but I want it to get more sequels. I need some development for Hendricks, to find her own call and discover more about the lore of her own powers and perhaps find love in a guy that is the nameless lover boy nor the ghost of Eddie, seriously. This has potential for more world-building.

Hendricks is still reeling from the death of her boyfriend of 1 month, Eddie Ruiz, and is having the hardest time moving on from him for some reason. She decides that she's going to attempt to bring him back from the dead by performing a seance with her friends, and instead brings back a malevolent force hell bent on h
I have so many thoughts and feelings and none of them are positive LOL. I knew that I would feel this way after reading this book's predecessor, The Haunted, but here we are gang!Hendricks is still reeling from the death of her boyfriend of 1 month, Eddie Ruiz, and is having the hardest time moving on from him for some reason. She decides that she's going to attempt to bring him back from the dead by performing a seance with her friends, and instead brings back a malevolent force hell bent on hurting her and, in particular, her best friend Portia. Can Hendricks get over herself in time to stop the ghost?
GODDAMN THIS BOOK. Knowing what I know about the first book, Vega is really asking me to suspend my disbelief that ANYONE would do this. I'm sorry, but if I have only known you for 1 month and we kissed and maybe banged once, I would NOT feel compelled to bring your ass back from the dead. Sorry! This would have made so much more sense had their relationship spanned a year or two, and we can get some character development, but no. Also we have desperate good boy Connor who is so in love with Hendricks and her non-personality it makes my head spin.
The big reveal at the end and the whole mystery of the ghost they bring back is so out of left field and not played out well at all. It just left me being like "wait what?" and "who?" and "why did that even matter in the grand scheme of the story?". The pieces that the story needed to make that make sense were not introduced soon enough, so it seemed like a cheap cop-out with a battle scene that made me honestly almost fall asleep from boredom. AND SHE ENDS THIS BOOK FOR SETTING UP FOR A THIRD BOOK HOLY CRAP.
Here's another problem: why do main characters who are women not wear makeup? Why can't they? Why can't main characters who are women enjoy makeup? Is it because that would make them like other girls? Because we must remember that Hendricks is #notlikeothergirls. The mere mention of that pissed me off so much because it is CLICHED AS HELL!
I hope you enjoyed my ranting and raving, I'll be reading the 3rd so I can rant and rave some more!
I had so much fun reading this book! Vega's writing never disappoints when it comes to unapologetically bringing on the horror. If you're looking for an author that will GO THERE with their horror, read anything Vega related. She is not afraid to make your stomach squirm!
That being said, I did have two minor issues with this book. The
I loved almost every second of this book! There was a definite hole in my heart for something extremely gory and creepy, and Danielle Vega filled that so nicely!I had so much fun reading this book! Vega's writing never disappoints when it comes to unapologetically bringing on the horror. If you're looking for an author that will GO THERE with their horror, read anything Vega related. She is not afraid to make your stomach squirm!
That being said, I did have two minor issues with this book. The first one can be because I read an arc so maybe that's why...? But every single chapter had anywhere from one to six editing mistakes (Sentences would be missing a word, have an extra word, words that were supposed to end in -ed were ended in -ing, that sort of thing). Usually I gloss over those types of things but they were so frequent in this book it became impossible. They might've been corrected in the finished copy, but this is just what I read so that's all I have to go on.
The second thing is something I noticed in the first Haunted book. There are a few occasions where characters say the cringiest, cliche lines that make me want to roll my eyes.Though since they're only one liners and only about two or three of them that I noticed, and they didn't really take away from the story so not that big of a deal. I honestly had a blast reading this despite those things.
All in all, a wonderful, dark, gritty, gory romp of a novel! Great sequel to The Haunted showcasing the aftermath of Steele House and it's affect on the characters. Loved that Vega was able to create a new threat in this book while tying in Steele House. We also get to see a slight bit more of Drearford high, though I would've appreciated if we got to see more of the creepy town itself, but I digress. A great read and another fun, horrifying time from one of my favorite authors! Fingers crossed for a book three🤞
This is the second book to The Haunted. The Haunted was actually one of my least favorite books out of all Vega's work. BUT I didn't hate it. The Haunted just wasn't as scary as her other books but the character development in the Haunted was great and I think that helped.
The Unleashed takes place after the Steele House has fallen and Eddie, the boy she loved died.
I want to start off by saying how much I love Danielle Vega/Collins and the lengths she goes in her books, they are one of a kind!This is the second book to The Haunted. The Haunted was actually one of my least favorite books out of all Vega's work. BUT I didn't hate it. The Haunted just wasn't as scary as her other books but the character development in the Haunted was great and I think that helped.
The Unleashed takes place after the Steele House has fallen and Eddie, the boy she loved died. This book started off kind of slow and honestly it had been so long since I read the last book I had to brush up a little bit. I think the storyline was great how she was trying to get in contact with Eddie but ended up calling someone else. I was a little disappointed we didn't get to understand more about Eddie but I see why, we needed closure and we definitely got that. This is a young adult thriller so there was some romance and I was totally okay with that especially because Hendricks made it seem more realistic. She didn't get over Eddie quick and go fall in love with Connor. No, she still cried over Eddie and wanted him back but she was trying her best to still be friends with Connor and maybe except she had feelings for him.
Overall it's a great second book, while its not as scary as her other books it was a great story.

Thank you to the publisher for providing me with an e-ARC
I tend to really enjoy Danielle Vega's books, I haven't read any under her Danielle Rollins name. But aside from Survive the Night (which I actually threw across the room because I was mad at the ending) I've liked them all and read them quickly.
They're all really quick reads which is how I tend to prefer my thrillers and horror books. I just cannot read Stephen King style books.
The Unleashed is the sequel to The Haunted and picks
4/5 StarsThank you to the publisher for providing me with an e-ARC
I tend to really enjoy Danielle Vega's books, I haven't read any under her Danielle Rollins name. But aside from Survive the Night (which I actually threw across the room because I was mad at the ending) I've liked them all and read them quickly.
They're all really quick reads which is how I tend to prefer my thrillers and horror books. I just cannot read Stephen King style books.
The Unleashed is the sequel to The Haunted and picks up where The Haunted ends. Steele House makes a return and Hendricks and the rest of her friends have to deal with more paranormal happenings. I like how the story continued and the little twists that the author added.

Vega's take on paranormal is always so fascinating to me. You know it could never happen (I mean, maybe, never say never) but nonetheless I still turn those pages like they're gonna disappear if I don't read them fast enough.
And that is why I will always grab her books!
This book is the second in the series. You will definitely need to read the first, though these two books gave off totally different vibes
Vega, I love you so. Please don't ever stop writing young adult horror. It's my favorite!Vega's take on paranormal is always so fascinating to me. You know it could never happen (I mean, maybe, never say never) but nonetheless I still turn those pages like they're gonna disappear if I don't read them fast enough.
And that is why I will always grab her books!
This book is the second in the series. You will definitely need to read the first, though these two books gave off totally different vibes for me. The first one was more scary while this one gave me more.... Carrie vibes. Still great. Still want more.
More Eddie. Please?
Danielle Vega did it again, she has been the only author to scare me in over 13 years!
In the aftermath of book one, Hendrix is trying to figure out if Eddie's ghost is still around. Her friendship with Conner and Portia is rocky at best, and Raven is in a coma. Hendrix gets everyone to help her perform a seance to try to contact Eddie and unleashed something evil. Amid ghost attacks and trying to figure
I loved this one as much as the first, and it left me hoping for a book three in the future.Danielle Vega did it again, she has been the only author to scare me in over 13 years!
In the aftermath of book one, Hendrix is trying to figure out if Eddie's ghost is still around. Her friendship with Conner and Portia is rocky at best, and Raven is in a coma. Hendrix gets everyone to help her perform a seance to try to contact Eddie and unleashed something evil. Amid ghost attacks and trying to figure out who or what was summoned, there is also prom. Something every normal high school looks forward to. What should be the perfect night turns into a nightmare real quick.
-Warning Spoiler-
So in the prologue it starts with Samantha dying because she was running away from Justin's ghost. But we're then told the seance was preformed three months later. So I'm a little confused, was Justin's ghost already in the mortal world and the seance just made it official or was Samantha really just seeing things and
Loved this book! I thought it was a great squeal to the original and defiantly scared me sometimes. But it did leave me with one question that I can't figure out.-Warning Spoiler-
So in the prologue it starts with Samantha dying because she was running away from Justin's ghost. But we're then told the seance was preformed three months later. So I'm a little confused, was Justin's ghost already in the mortal world and the seance just made it official or was Samantha really just seeing things and he wasn't there yet? I can't remember if this was touched on in the book so I'm just wondering if other people knew the answer. Thanks!
This plot became very repetitive and predictable. Portia annoyed the hell out of me. I think this book could have done with maybe 50 more pages? Some areas went on for so long while others were just glossed over.
However, I like Hendricks and Ileana a lot. I'm happy we saw more occult-ish events in this book and they were actually performed by someone with experience. The 80's mixed with witchy vibes really worked for me. I was shocked when tears came to my eyes Once again, nothing too exciting.
This plot became very repetitive and predictable. Portia annoyed the hell out of me. I think this book could have done with maybe 50 more pages? Some areas went on for so long while others were just glossed over.
However, I like Hendricks and Ileana a lot. I'm happy we saw more occult-ish events in this book and they were actually performed by someone with experience. The 80's mixed with witchy vibes really worked for me. I was shocked when tears came to my eyes during Hendricks and Eddie's prom dance. I haven't cried from a book in so long and I can't believe this was the one to do it. ...more

Hendricks is trying to get past the loss of Eddie with the help of her friends. She thinks that Steele House is destroyed and when strange things start to happen again, she hopes that it's Eddie trying to contact her. An evil has been set loose in Drearford that connects the murders that have occurred in town over the past several decades. New terror builds on top of what Hendricks has already uncovered, creating a complex string of horrible events. Suspe Creepy and more complex than The Haunted!
Hendricks is trying to get past the loss of Eddie with the help of her friends. She thinks that Steele House is destroyed and when strange things start to happen again, she hopes that it's Eddie trying to contact her. An evil has been set loose in Drearford that connects the murders that have occurred in town over the past several decades. New terror builds on top of what Hendricks has already uncovered, creating a complex string of horrible events. Suspense, hold your breath terror and an unexpected ending, 5 stars! ...more

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